Hire Remote Workers: Structuring the Virtual Interview

If you’re hiring remote workers, interviewing candidates who are relocating, or just choosing a less cumbersome interview method, virtual interviews are becoming commonplace in today’s recruitment and hiring process. If you’re unfamiliar with virtual interviewing—whether video interview or phone interview—it can be difficult to feel comfortable. 

Pros and Cons of Employment Outsourcing

When most people think of outsourcing employees, they think of outsourcing specific roles to qualified candidates. There is another option: employment outsourcing. When organizations work with an employer of record (EOR), the EOR becomes the legal employer for the worker for the duration of their employment. There are also professional employment organizations (PEO) that act […]

Who Qualifies for a TN 1 Visa? (Updated 2022)

If you’re the owner of a Canadian company looking to expand to the US, you might be thinking about sending some of your top employees across the border to oversee the efforts instead of monitoring from afar. Or, perhaps you are a Canadian professional being sent on an assignment to the US branch of your […]

Canadian vs. American: Drug Testing & Background Checks (Updated 2022)

If you’re expanding your business from the US to Canada, it’s a good idea to brush up on how the employment regulations differ between the two countries. While regulations may seem similar at first glance, following the US rules and regulations you’ve grown accustomed to for employees in Canada could get you into legal trouble […]

Exchange or Equivalent: Determining the Salary Range When Hiring International Employees

There is a long list of items that need to be checked off when hiring internationally—whether you’re simply hiring over the border or across an ocean. This is because of the differences in labor laws covering everything from maternity leave to termination to payroll taxes. One that many organizations don’t plan for is employee compensation. […]

Payroll Taxes: Understanding Payroll Deductions in U.S. and Canada

Though there are a variety of deductions made from every employee’s paycheck, payroll taxes are a specific subset of deductions made that do not include income tax or other deductions made by the employer. Payroll taxes are set at the federal level as well as the state/province and local levels. They typically go towards funding […]

Canada Labor Laws: Maternity Leave and Parental Leave

If a U.S. company is hiring across the border in Canada, then they will need to understand how the labor laws differ in each country—and sometimes each province. One of the labor laws U.S. companies need to pay close attention to is maternity leave. Canada maternity leave and parental leave regulations sometimes referred to as […]

Hiring in Canada: At-Will Employment Does Not Apply

Work culture outside of the United States is often very different than what we may be accustomed to. This is particularly true when it comes to the termination of employment. Unless it is explicitly written into the employee contract, at-will employment is the expectation in the U.S. In Canada, however, the concept of at-will employment […]

What Canadian Contractors Working in the US Need to Know (Updated 2022)

The chance to work as a contractor in the United States is an exciting opportunity for Canadian workers to experience a foreign market, expand their skill set, and gain valuable insight into US business practices. Unfortunately, new opportunities for Canadians to work south of the border were disrupted by the pandemic thanks to closed international […]

The Real Cost of Payroll Errors in the US

An estimated 82 million U.S. employees are affected by payroll problems, with about a quarter of all workers dealing with paycheck errors. The IRS has estimated that around one-third of employers make a payroll mistake in any given year, collecting nearly $7 billion in penalties for 2021. The average cost of these mistakes to employers […]