If You Have Canadian Employees, You Need a Canadian PEO

Despite the fact that the U.S. and Canada are two separate countries, our lines of business cross borders frequently. So much so that our neighbours in the south hire employees in Canada to help out. Employers in the States have to stay up to date and compliant with the regulations regarding their Canadian employees.

7 Ways a Canadian PEO Will Help You Work Smarter and Save Time in 2019

With 2019 in action, you’re likely seeking ways to improve your operations and build on what you did last year. Maybe growth is in the forecast, or maybe you need to scale back. Whichever the case, you’re looking for ways to work smarter, not harder. Download our free guide on what US companies need to know […]

Why You Can Put Your PEO Fears to Rest

If you’ve decided to take your business international, you’ve likely heard some discussions about working with a professional employer organization. While you might be considering a PEO to help you avoid common challenges, ensure compliance, or take HR administration off your plate, other business owners and managers may have told you about their own experiences. […]

How to Choose the Right Professional Employer Organization

The time has finally come for you to expand your business across the border into Canada. To be successful, though, you know you need to assemble an all-star team of partners. They’ll help you address everything from employment management to taxes to business structure and more.