Payroll Taxes: Understanding Payroll Deductions in U.S. and Canada

Though there are a variety of deductions made from every employee’s paycheck, payroll taxes are a specific subset of deductions made that do not include income tax or other deductions made by the employer. Payroll taxes are set at the federal level as well as the state/province and local levels. They typically go towards funding […]

Canada Labor Laws: Maternity Leave and Parental Leave

If a U.S. company is hiring across the border in Canada, then they will need to understand how the labor laws differ in each country—and sometimes each province. One of the labor laws U.S. companies need to pay close attention to is maternity leave. Canada maternity leave and parental leave regulations sometimes referred to as […]

Hiring in Canada: At-Will Employment Does Not Apply

Work culture outside of the United States is often very different than what we may be accustomed to. This is particularly true when it comes to the termination of employment. Unless it is explicitly written into the employee contract, at-will employment is the expectation in the U.S. In Canada, however, the concept of at-will employment […]

The Real Cost of Payroll Errors in the US

An estimated 82 million U.S. employees are affected by payroll problems, with about a quarter of all workers dealing with paycheck errors. The IRS has estimated that around one-third of employers make a payroll mistake in any given year, collecting nearly $7 billion in penalties for 2021. The average cost of these mistakes to employers […]

How to Manage a Hybrid Work Environment

For nearly two years, many employers have been managing a remote workforce. Although some employees have returned to the office since the beginning of the pandemic, many will likely never go back to a physical office, and many organizations are permanently moving to a hybrid work model. 

How to Roll Out a Successful Hybrid Work Environment

After more than a year of working from home, employees are slowly beginning to return to their long-vacant offices, and emotions are mixed. Although many are looking forward to replacing countless Zoom meetings with more face-to-face time with colleagues, they are hesitant to leave behind all the benefits realized by working remotely, including no commute […]

Is Your Business Unintentionally Discriminating against Potential Employees?

You have a diverse workplace, and you make it a point to ensure you don’t discriminate against any of your loyal and valued employees. Not only does compliance matter in the workplace, but your hiring practices matter as well, whether you’re hiring in the US or Canada. However, your careers page, hiring practices, and interviewing […]

Top 6 Tips for Better Payroll Processing

Payroll often represents a sizable chunk of a business’s overhead. Payroll processing itself could also represent a time-intensive and costly activity in your business.