Payroll Packages

Anyone can push a button and process your payroll. It takes a true partner to understand what’s being processed, ensure its accuracy and know the impact it has on your company’s legal and legislative compliance. Our payroll packages and simplified HR allows you to not only outsource the administration of payroll but gives you the ability to leverage HR, legal and compliance expertise for your most complex workforce challenges.


Payroll + Standard Human Resource Solutions

Payroll + Standard Human Resource Solutions

The Payroll Edge processes over 5,000 pay cheques every week for Canadian firms, across every province. With over 25 years of trusted expertise, we have the know-how to ensure your workforce is always paid promptly, accurately, and in full compliance with all federal and provincial regulations.

It takes a true partner to understand the intricacies and liabilities of payroll legislation and compliance. It may be a small part of what you do, but for us it’s our very reason for existing. And we do it better than anyone else in Canada.

Learn about our in depth a-la-carte Human Resource Services

Are you a U.S. company looking to expand your workforce into Canada?

Learn about our Employer of Record Services