The 6 Best Countries for International Expansion

As the calendar turns over, you’re putting plans in motion for next year. It’s going to be a big one for your business. You’re already examining the world map.


If the international expansion wheels aren’t in motion, you may still be pondering the best locations for your business. Is it better to stay relatively local, or should you look further afield?


This list rounds up some of the best countries to consider for international expansion. While each country is unique, all of them offer great opportunities for ambitious and growing businesses.

1. Singapore Is the Perfect Asian Hub

Singapore has a reputation as a tourist destination. The strict legal code has also earned the country some infamy.


You should consider it nonetheless. Singapore is more than a tourist destination. In fact, it’s become a premiere location for businesses. It offers access to Asia and even to Oceania. Singapore also has high levels of English-language proficiency.


With the right partner to help you navigate the legal system, operating in Singapore could be a smart move.

2. Romania Is the Gateway to Europe

If you’re looking to establish a presence in Europe, you may want to consider countries like Romania.

Romania is one of many Eastern European countries to offer lower costs of doing business, while conforming to high standards. That’s because Romania is part of the EU. Thus, Romania can act as an excellent gateway to the rest of Europe and areas east of it, including Russia, Asia, and the Middle East.

3. Spain Is a Good Choice for Western Europe

Perhaps you’d prefer a country closer to the Atlantic. The time difference between the US and countries like Singapore and Romania often pose challenges for employee management.


Spain might be a location to consider for international expansion. Like Romania, Spain is part of the EU and has high standards. Spain’s recent economic issues have made it a more attractive prospect, since the costs of doing business have been lower. As a bonus, Spanish is one of the most common languages spoken around the world, so a Spanish expansion could help you service customers in other countries too.


The right partner can help you as you navigate both EU law and the Spanish economy.

4. Canada Is Like a Miniature US

Although Canadians don’t always encourage the comparison, in many ways, the Canadian market mimics the US market. Both are largely English-speaking, and Americans and Canadians do share some common culture.


If you’re a US company looking to expand, or an international business that isn’t quite ready for the US market, Canada might be a good choice.


There are some bonuses, such as Canada boasting one of the world’s highest education rates. If you need talented workers, Canada could be your next stop.

5. The United States Is Always a Good Choice

The US market can be tough and lead to missteps, which is why some business leaders avoid it. Nonetheless, it’s almost never a bad idea to expand to the US, provided you’re in the right position.

If you’re not sure you can go it alone in the US, talk to a professional employer organization. They can help you navigate the ins and outs of the US market.

6. Mexico Could Be a Smart Move

Finally, you might want to consider Mexico as a potential location for international expansion. With a new trade agreement set to come into play between Canada, the US, and Mexico next year, expanding to Mexico could make a lot of sense.


First, it offers easy access to the US and Canadian markets. Next, it also offers lower costs of doing business than either of the other two countries, which could help you ensure success for your business.


Not sure where to expand just yet? Talk to a PEO and discover the many locations you could choose from for successful expansion.