Top 3 Benefits of Employing Canadians for U.S. Businesses

Many jobs today can be done remotely. As long as the workers have a computer and an internet connection, it’s often possible to do the work from anywhere in the world. For U.S. employers, this trend of remote work offers more choices when it comes to finding the right talent when a new role becomes available in the company.


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If you’re considering employing remote workers internationally, consider seeking out Canadian talent. U.S. businesses reap many benefits when employing workers north of the border.


  1. 1. Canada Is Diversity Tolerant

Canada is globally known as a welcoming and accepting country and it is recognized as one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world. However, its diversity also spans gender, religious affiliations, languages, sexual orientation, abilities, and economic status. 


Further, while Canada is well-known for its French community and bilingualism, it is also home to an astounding 195 different languages. This diversity extends to the labor market. When you recruit talent from Canada, you gain access to a wide variety of different candidates, all of which come with unique values, perspectives, opinions, and ideas. How does this benefit your U.S. company? For businesses, workforce diversity can lead to many benefits, including a higher degree of innovation, creativity, effective problem-solving, and informed decision making. Having a diverse workforce can also help you better understand the perspective of your diverse clientele, effectively meet the needs of new market segments, and, in turn, improve profitability.


  1. 2. Find Educated Employees with Diverse Skill Sets

Canada has a world-class higher education system, and the country has held the top spot as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) most educated country since 2010. Canadians are highly educated, with 56.7% of Canadian adults having received post-secondary degrees, which is 10% higher than the U.S.


When recruiting employees from Canada, you’ll quickly realize that the talent pool is not only educated but also highly skilled. Hiring remote employees from Canada is an excellent option if you are having trouble finding top talent that meets the job requirements in the United States.


  1. 3. There Are Economic Benefits

Due to the strong American dollar, employing Canadian makes financial sense. Depending on the exact current exchange rate at the time, your business can save approximately 25 to 35% by employing and paying Canadian workers. Not only will your company benefit from the diversity and skill sets found in Canada, but you’ll be able to do so at a fraction of the cost of hiring within the United States.


Employ Remote Canadian Employees through a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) in Canada

While the benefits of employing remote Canadian employees are clear, the process of employing and paying these workers may seem difficult at first glance. You must follow Canadian employment standards in the management of Canadian employees and pay them following the federal and provincial payroll and tax laws where they live. Without Canadian payroll, compliance and human resources expertise, this could put you at risk of noncompliance. 


Fortunately, you can employ Canadians through a PEO in Canada. With this arrangement, the PEO becomes the legal employer of the workers and takes on the legal responsibility of employing, managing, and paying them. However, you still maintain full control of their job and work. This partnership means you get all of the benefits without the risk. If you’re an international business hiring Canadian employees, work with the Payroll Edge as your professional employer organization in Canada


What US Companies Need to Know about Paying Employees in Canada