Who Can Benefit from Using a PEO in the US?

If you’re thinking about expanding your business to the United States in 2020, there are probably many questions you need to answer. You may be wondering about business structure and employment regulations across different states.


You might also be considering what partnerships are available to you, and which ones will benefit your business the most. To that end, you may have heard about professional employer organizations, or PEOs.


Now you’re curious. You’ve done a little bit of research and discovered what a PEO does. Who exactly benefits from working with a PEO in the US though? The answer is almost anyone, but some of these businesses could benefit more.


Entrepreneurs Get the Benefit of a Team

How many people do you have on staff? If it’s just a handful of you at a start-up, then you might already be running at full tilt. An expansion is in the cards, but do you really have the resources to handle it?


It’s an important question. Entrepreneurs can benefit quite a bit from working with a PEO in the US for this reason.


First, working with a PEO provides you with the expert team you need on your side. If you’re always too busy or falling behind on tasks like payroll or benefits administration, then a PEO partnership could help.


The PEO also brings their expertise to the table. Your team might be very talented at what they do, but they may not be well-versed in US employment law or payroll administration. The PEO’s team has this expert knowledge, which can take some of the stress off your shoulders.


Food and Beverage Industry Players Need to Follow the Rules

A PEO partnership can also greatly benefit those in the food and beverage industry. How so?


Food and drink is one of the more heavily regulated industries in the US, precisely because food safety is so important to public health. Your business may find itself caught up in the intersections of health and safety regulations and employment law just as quickly.


Having a PEO on your side is a smart move when you want to expand into the US for this reason. The PEO’s expert team could help you navigate employment law with ease. In turn, they can guide you when those rules run up against health and safety regulations as well.


Make sure the PEO you choose has expertise in the food and beverage industry, and you’ll be well on your way to a successful US expansion.


IT Companies Can Use PEOs to Level the Playing Field

Another industry that faces federal regulation is the IT industry. More rules are being enacted at both the state and federal levels. Just take a look at California’s recent Consumer Protection Act, more commonly known as the CCPA. This new law regulates how companies can handle and store data, both inside and outside of California.


While data isn’t limited to tech startups and IT firms anymore, the CCPA does illustrate ongoing government attempts to regulate technology. If you’re in fintech or another area of technology, you may find yourself unfamiliar with the house rules when you enter a new state.


Working with an experienced PEO is one way to iron out the wrinkles you might encounter as you expand to the United States. Their familiarity with the rules and the market could help you not only craft better employment policy but better company policy overall.


They can also help you keep tabs on new developments and monitor your compliance.


Anyone Thinking about Expanding

Although IT firms and those in the food and beverage industry may stand to benefit most, almost any company can realize the advantages of working with a PEO in the US.


If you’re thinking about expanding to the United States, it’s time to talk to an experienced PEO and discover what they can do for your business.